martes, 22 de junio de 2010

The legend of rock: Soda Stereo, the mitical band.

Today I'm going talk about other musical group : Soda Stereo

Soda Stereo is from Buenos Aires, Argentina and is formed by Gustavo Cerati (singer and guitarrist), Zeta Bosio (bassist) and Charly Alberti (drummer). It's one of the most important bands of latin rock.
They have many cds like: "Nada personal", "Sueño stereo", "Zona de promesas" and my favorite: "Me verás volver", it's last album with their best hits.

Personally I like Soda Stereo because I consider that is a prestigious and important band in the Latin American musical history and their songs are of many kinds: happy, slow, harmonious, all kinds!! Also the lyrics of their songs have great meaning for me, I love them!! My favorite is "Trátame suavemente", also other like: "Signos", "El rito", "No existes", and others.

Unfortunately in 1997 the Soda Stereo memberss separated =(.
After ten years, in 2007 .. They gathered again!!! I was surprise! much more after knowing that they would do a tour and come to Chile!!

Luckily my brother (he likes Soda Stereo) invited me to see Soda Stereo . So on October 24, 2007, we went to the National Stadium at 3:30 pm. We wait until the stadium opened gates at 4.3o! We entered running and we stayed beside media. It was 9pm and concert did not start until at 9.30pm, some instruments sounded, the lights came on and Gustavo Cerati came on stage and said:
"Hola Chile lindo, bienvenidos al juego". and they began playing "Juego de Seducción".

Unfortunately, more than a month ago, the leader of Soda Stereo: Gustavo Cerati suffered a cardio vascular accident or transient brain ischemia, so he is hospitalized. I really hope he recover!
Well, I awaiting your posts!
And, as would say Gustavo:

Gracias totales!

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