martes, 8 de junio de 2010

Education: the base of prevention

I think that the prevention is so important for everyone, but specially for us, because we'll be an agents of health and the prevention is a fundamental tool in our job. Because always is better prevent than cure, is more easy and cheap. The base for prevent is EDUCATION and exist different ways for prevent in diferent levels like:

- Promote the good habits by the use of advertising on television, radio, poster in the streets and other, for to persuade to community.

- Realized personal attention with the people that are in risk, for to do individual prevention.

- Promote family participation in education’s session about healthy life

- Create projects and governmental laws to prevent diseasesfor example raising the cigarette tax to prevent respiratory diseases such as lung cancer

- Realized studies and epidemiological research to know which are the main risk factors of the community that are we working for to do an integral and preventive attention

The midwives can do prevention of many ways, for example with education, explain what are the risk behaviors and how avoid them in at each prenatal control. Also we can do talks about prevention and epidemiology studies.

In my opinion the most important benefit is that we work with the center of the family: the mother, who is in charge of the customs of his family, including food, sport, habits, etc .So if we educate to mother and she is able to have a healthy life am, will be reflected in all his family, being a useful tool for prevention.

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