martes, 15 de junio de 2010

Coldplay!! ♥

Today I’m going talk about my favorite musical group: COLDPLAY
Coldplay is a band from England, composed by Will Champion, Jon Buckland, Guy Berryman and Chris Martin (who I love!).

When I was about 13 years I listened a song on the radio and it very liked me! But I didn’t know who sing it. After my cousin went to my house and in his mobile had that song!! and he told me the name : "Clock of Coldplay", also he had other coldplay's song "Yellow". I was so happy so i told to my brother if he could download me that songs and he gave me a CD with this music.

From this moment i started to listen coldplay always!!! I have all their CD's:

"Parachutes", "A rush of blood to the head", "X&Y" and "Viva la vida", and also some b-sides like "Brother & sister", "One I love" and others. I listened coldplay in my house, in the car and for this razon to my family also likes coldplay. Even my nephew when was two years was singing all song of coldplay, and his favorite song was: "Talk" because he liked so much the video of robot.

Well I became a fan of coldplay, i saw their concert on TV and always my dreams was go to a concert of coldplay.

One day, in november or december on 2006 i saw in Internet that coldplay would come to chile, and i looked ticktetmaster and.. was real!!!!! I was so happy , i wanted to go and see them!!!

Luckily my parents in the Christmas gave me my best gift of the world: my ticket for to see Coldplay. I did a calendar for to count the days and I was very anxious..until the big day came!!

It was a Friday and it was raining, I entered to my first concert and was playing Saiko. After the lights went out and left Coldplay, I was in shock! They played a few songs but the concert was great, I cried and sang too and I have to say, the February 16, 2007 was one of the best days of my life!

See you =)

4 comentarios:

  1. Hi paulina!

    wow! this is a coincidence, my favorite band of music is Coldplay too!! is a EXCELLENT GROUP!!!

    bye pauli..see you

  2. Pauly!!

    You don't know how I envy you... xD
    I dream with going to concert of Coldplay, when they were in Chile the year 2007 I didn't have home in Santiago, I lived in San Fernando and then I didn't can to go :(
    But now that I have home in Santiago I only hope that they come back :D This is the unique that I want... Coldplay fascinate me too!!

    Well, see you soon!!

  3. Hi "Amigui" coldplay is a great band!!
    In this moment, I imagine your face "crazy fanatic" to see them! jajaja

  4. truly you are a fan of this group.
    ajajajaja I admit that musically it is a good group, Coldplay has a musical voice quality and high level.
    I think that you're coldplay in woman!!!
