martes, 29 de junio de 2010

The last post :(

I'm so sad, becauso this is my last post for this semester =/
I always expected the tuesdays for to write in my blog, because, personally, I think this is the best way to help improve the grammar. Thanks to blog, coming to Quinta Normal wasn't so tedious.

I enjoyed it so much, because I could express my opinions about diferrent topic that i like (for example about music) and other topics very important for our carrer. In addition to sharing views with our partners and friends.

Another advantage of the blog, is that it's a very dynamic way and close to us. It's more enjoyable to learn and improve our English.
But also have disadvantages, for example personally I didn't like to correct the blog in class because we lost a long time and was a bit boring. I would prefer that blogs were corrected on Thursday.
Furthermore, as we did not have much time to write our post, we had to do in our homes, we haven't protected time for English and many things that we have to do (especially because we have controls of microbiología every Wednesday), so often I did my blog in a hurry and without desire.

Well, I awaiting the next semester for to write again in my Blog, because I really miss it.

See you!

4 comentarios:

  1. Hi Pauly!!

    I think that we all missed the blog, because is already a custom in our course of English. But we can write always and when we want, too. Because now we have our own blog!! :)

    Well... See you soon!

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. Hello, Is true out time in the class for made the blog is little. bye

  4. Hi Pauly !!

    Well I think that the blog is the best way to improve the grammar and vocabulary and this is very entertaining!

    See you!!
