martes, 29 de junio de 2010

The last post :(

I'm so sad, becauso this is my last post for this semester =/
I always expected the tuesdays for to write in my blog, because, personally, I think this is the best way to help improve the grammar. Thanks to blog, coming to Quinta Normal wasn't so tedious.

I enjoyed it so much, because I could express my opinions about diferrent topic that i like (for example about music) and other topics very important for our carrer. In addition to sharing views with our partners and friends.

Another advantage of the blog, is that it's a very dynamic way and close to us. It's more enjoyable to learn and improve our English.
But also have disadvantages, for example personally I didn't like to correct the blog in class because we lost a long time and was a bit boring. I would prefer that blogs were corrected on Thursday.
Furthermore, as we did not have much time to write our post, we had to do in our homes, we haven't protected time for English and many things that we have to do (especially because we have controls of microbiología every Wednesday), so often I did my blog in a hurry and without desire.

Well, I awaiting the next semester for to write again in my Blog, because I really miss it.

See you!

martes, 22 de junio de 2010

The legend of rock: Soda Stereo, the mitical band.

Today I'm going talk about other musical group : Soda Stereo

Soda Stereo is from Buenos Aires, Argentina and is formed by Gustavo Cerati (singer and guitarrist), Zeta Bosio (bassist) and Charly Alberti (drummer). It's one of the most important bands of latin rock.
They have many cds like: "Nada personal", "Sueño stereo", "Zona de promesas" and my favorite: "Me verás volver", it's last album with their best hits.

Personally I like Soda Stereo because I consider that is a prestigious and important band in the Latin American musical history and their songs are of many kinds: happy, slow, harmonious, all kinds!! Also the lyrics of their songs have great meaning for me, I love them!! My favorite is "Trátame suavemente", also other like: "Signos", "El rito", "No existes", and others.

Unfortunately in 1997 the Soda Stereo memberss separated =(.
After ten years, in 2007 .. They gathered again!!! I was surprise! much more after knowing that they would do a tour and come to Chile!!

Luckily my brother (he likes Soda Stereo) invited me to see Soda Stereo . So on October 24, 2007, we went to the National Stadium at 3:30 pm. We wait until the stadium opened gates at 4.3o! We entered running and we stayed beside media. It was 9pm and concert did not start until at 9.30pm, some instruments sounded, the lights came on and Gustavo Cerati came on stage and said:
"Hola Chile lindo, bienvenidos al juego". and they began playing "Juego de Seducción".

Unfortunately, more than a month ago, the leader of Soda Stereo: Gustavo Cerati suffered a cardio vascular accident or transient brain ischemia, so he is hospitalized. I really hope he recover!
Well, I awaiting your posts!
And, as would say Gustavo:

Gracias totales!

martes, 15 de junio de 2010

Coldplay!! ♥

Today I’m going talk about my favorite musical group: COLDPLAY
Coldplay is a band from England, composed by Will Champion, Jon Buckland, Guy Berryman and Chris Martin (who I love!).

When I was about 13 years I listened a song on the radio and it very liked me! But I didn’t know who sing it. After my cousin went to my house and in his mobile had that song!! and he told me the name : "Clock of Coldplay", also he had other coldplay's song "Yellow". I was so happy so i told to my brother if he could download me that songs and he gave me a CD with this music.

From this moment i started to listen coldplay always!!! I have all their CD's:

"Parachutes", "A rush of blood to the head", "X&Y" and "Viva la vida", and also some b-sides like "Brother & sister", "One I love" and others. I listened coldplay in my house, in the car and for this razon to my family also likes coldplay. Even my nephew when was two years was singing all song of coldplay, and his favorite song was: "Talk" because he liked so much the video of robot.

Well I became a fan of coldplay, i saw their concert on TV and always my dreams was go to a concert of coldplay.

One day, in november or december on 2006 i saw in Internet that coldplay would come to chile, and i looked ticktetmaster and.. was real!!!!! I was so happy , i wanted to go and see them!!!

Luckily my parents in the Christmas gave me my best gift of the world: my ticket for to see Coldplay. I did a calendar for to count the days and I was very anxious..until the big day came!!

It was a Friday and it was raining, I entered to my first concert and was playing Saiko. After the lights went out and left Coldplay, I was in shock! They played a few songs but the concert was great, I cried and sang too and I have to say, the February 16, 2007 was one of the best days of my life!

See you =)

martes, 8 de junio de 2010

Education: the base of prevention

I think that the prevention is so important for everyone, but specially for us, because we'll be an agents of health and the prevention is a fundamental tool in our job. Because always is better prevent than cure, is more easy and cheap. The base for prevent is EDUCATION and exist different ways for prevent in diferent levels like:

- Promote the good habits by the use of advertising on television, radio, poster in the streets and other, for to persuade to community.

- Realized personal attention with the people that are in risk, for to do individual prevention.

- Promote family participation in education’s session about healthy life

- Create projects and governmental laws to prevent diseasesfor example raising the cigarette tax to prevent respiratory diseases such as lung cancer

- Realized studies and epidemiological research to know which are the main risk factors of the community that are we working for to do an integral and preventive attention

The midwives can do prevention of many ways, for example with education, explain what are the risk behaviors and how avoid them in at each prenatal control. Also we can do talks about prevention and epidemiology studies.

In my opinion the most important benefit is that we work with the center of the family: the mother, who is in charge of the customs of his family, including food, sport, habits, etc .So if we educate to mother and she is able to have a healthy life am, will be reflected in all his family, being a useful tool for prevention.

miércoles, 2 de junio de 2010

Gender differences in my career

I think that my career is where most problems occur by gender, because there is a strong prejudice about men who study Obstetrics about their sexual orientation. It is for this reason I think for our partners wasn't easy to adapt or accept to study this career at first.

But a man who study obstetrics has benefits such as greater sensitivity and understanding to women for to try not hurt her. There are many women who feel more safe and secure when they are treated by a man.

Problems of gender discrimination also exists in other careers (not just the area of health: for example in ballet, ) such as nutritionists and nurses, however, is in obstetrics where it is most recurrent.

To improve this situation I think that they should make known (the men midwives), for example through studies, research and others., For to prove to society that they can do their job just as women midwives. Maybe this way we can become as developed countries with more open-minded and modern, removing prejudice and gender inequality.


See you!