martes, 14 de septiembre de 2010

And you, What do you think about..?

Hi everyone! The last week I saw presentation of D. Carlos Valenzuela about his investigation. The investigation is very interesting because is about something very polemical and related to our career: The post day’s pill. I had read the papper but I understood better when I saw the presentation, because Carlos Valenzuela talked about some terms and concepts whose weren’t in the research paper.

Levonorgestrel is a synthetic hormone that in low concentrations acts how oral contraceptive, and in high concentrations acts lhow emergency contraception. It is known that emergency contraception has preovulatory effects (only acts if coitus and / or fecundaation was before ovulation). But D. Valenzuela says that Levonorgestrel has postovulatory effects too. Also he said that the use of levonorgestrel increases the risk of have an ectopic pregnancy. The ectopic pregnancy is when the blastocyst develops outside the uterus: in the Fallopian tube, in the ovary, cervical canal or abdominal cavity.

In my opinion, the life begins at fecundation, when the genetic material (pronuclei) of ovule and sperm are mixed. the abortion for my is interupt the pregnancy, kill the life of embryo.. who is an human and has right to live., so I’m not in favor the use of levonorgestrel as emergency contraception, because I’m not in favor of abortion and D.Valenzuela shows that levonorgestrel has postovulatory effect , so acts after fecundation, acts on the blastocyst.

Anyway, we must respect the opinion of others..

See you!

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