martes, 5 de octubre de 2010

Today is very common that people are stress. This is consecuence of very factors like: the speed of life, work, studies and other dificult situation. Nowasays We have less time for to share with our families, friends, for to laught and do thing that make us feel better.

The stress is a fisiologycal reaction of our organism is face with a defiant problem. But when this situation ocurr many times, or response is very strong the stress turn harmful. This strong response can affect our life, relations, so is very important that we can prevent it.

The Symptoms of stress are emocional: anxiety, fear, confusion; thoughts: dificult fot to concentrate and take decisions, concern for future; conduct: crying, impulsive reaction, increase of tobacco and alcohol consume, change of appetite, physical changes: contract muscle, cold or swaty hands, disturbance of sleep, stomach problemas, agitated breath, trembling, dry mouth. Also the orgasm have less capacity for to protect our body, because the immune system are down. So, is more probably that we suffer infections.

Obviusly we can’t eliminate stress easily, but we can prevent or attenuate the symptoms, for example we must not drink alcohol, caffeine (coca cola, coffee), eat balance food, not consume tobacco or others drugs, do exercise and take rest at work (not all day obvius hahaha).

Personally, I think that this illness is a consecuense of the modern style life, because in our free time we don’t make thing that help us (exercise) and isn’t because we “don’t have time” (sometimes is true), is because we don’t organize our time.

Well.. if you don’t want be stressed please breath and think in your best memory !!

5 comentarios:

  1. Hi!!!
    Yeaaah the exercise is the best way to combat the stress, so it is common for people who do not make this stressful.
    See you!!!

  2. Hi Pauli!
    I agree with you that the stress affects the overall life of the person, and the great importance of prevention as well not embarrassed in the future...

    See you!

  3. Hi Pauli:

    I agree with that one of the principal causes to get stress are the lack of organization because the chilean people don`t know who organize their time.

    Take Care

    Javier Irribarra M.

  4. Hi Pauli!!

    Is it true what they say, the modern world and the accelerated life is the main cause of stress
    Besides to live no time for anything


    See you

  5. Hi Paulina!
    you have much reason. Today the style of life is very fast and people have not time for share with your families and friends. This lifestyle is repeated every day ultimately causing a stress box.
