martes, 4 de mayo de 2010

A close website:

This website is very accessible for the people, because it's about a magazine that everyone can buy and read it. Read, specially the future parent's that are waiting for their babies. In this web you can find information about the babies, pregnancy and others. There are diferent section like: free time, health, education, be parents, be woman, fertility, pregnancy, children betwen 0 -1,1-5, and 6-12 years. Also there are forum, advices and diferent thing that are very necesary for the people that don't know how be good parent's or improve their raising.

Every time I visit this site is because I think that it's very important that we know the information the common people have, and we do our job provide the correct information and answer every questions that could be rise
. Also, I think this magazine is very close to people, that's why they believe in "PadresOk"; and follow it, this is a very interesting, dinamic and easy to understand website.

Personally, I recommend because it has clear, necesary and good information that is very useful for everyone, especially persons that visit it and need a midwife like womans, mothers, couples, and family.

So, visit it!!!
You won't regrets ;)

3 comentarios:

  1. Paulie!! this website is cool, the information is interesting and usefull! visit !!!
    kisses! the my ELE!

  2. I like this site is very interesting and has a good information for our career!!!
    kisses Paulyy

  3. hi paulina!!

    I did not know this website and now saw this site with the link and this is a site very interesting for parents!

    bye pauuli!
