martes, 25 de mayo de 2010

My favourite piece of technology...

Today, I’m going to talk about an interesting and different topic: my favourite piece of technology…The computer and the internet, specifically the messenger.

I thing that for everyone, this object is the most important, because it’s used to work, study, connect with other people and many other things.

In my life, I started to use the computer when I was about eight or nine years old. At that time, I used it for to playing “solitaire” and other videogames, like “Barbie”, “Mario bross”, etc. After then, when I was 12 years old, I started to use the internet and the messenger… at first, twice a week… then three times a week... and now every day!! Even, I can say: I’m a addicted to messenger..! But... Nowadays, I use it only for doing jobs, homework or studying, because I don’t have much time to spend in other things.

This communication medium is very important in my life, because that’s the way I met important persons like my boyfriend and other friends. Also, I can talk with my family from other cities and with my parents and brother, because they also use the computer, messenger and mail at their jobs.

Now, in my second year of Obstetrics, this medium is very necessary, because all the documents, works, presentations and information about the university are at the internet. But not all is good… this communication doesn’t allow you to have direct contact, to be face to face with the other people. Whatever, it’s a very easy, fast and accessible medium in the present, with less time for sharing, so we can’t leave it. I can’t imagine myself without it, it’s impossible!

Well, this blog is the best example of all that I said to you! hahaha
See you!

miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2010

Why obstetrics?

In my case, at first really i didn’t know what to study.. only i knew that i wanted to study some career related with health. For this razon in my school i was in Elective biologist. Before postulate for to study (after PSU) i didn’t know what put in first option: nursery or obstetrics because i really like the related with babies, pregnancy.. and also help old people with different problems … so i asked to my parents to give me advices .. but they said me that i should choose that i really liked.. so i put in first option nursery and then obstetrics.
When i saw that i stayed in Obstetrics i didn’t feel bad, i felt so satisfied. But now , after to really know what do midwives, i feel so sure about my decision. I think that this career is for me because the focus of it is the pair: mother-son, the relation in my opinion, more important in the life of everyone, so I feel so happy working with them, and obviously with all family (father, sons, grandfathers,etc).
Also in the past year we went to hospital and other health centers for practice, so i knew what will we do in the future, and i liked so much. And now, in this year we have more subject ver related with the Obstetrics like: Obstetric Physiology , so i have feel more close for my study and personally i feel so happy for to study Obstetrics, i talk about topic and thing that i learn, with my friends about my career.. Even now I have them boring! Jajajaja… however, i ‘m so anxious for to be a real Midwife :D
Only missing three and half years .. (I hope! D:) hahaha

See you!

martes, 4 de mayo de 2010

A close website:

This website is very accessible for the people, because it's about a magazine that everyone can buy and read it. Read, specially the future parent's that are waiting for their babies. In this web you can find information about the babies, pregnancy and others. There are diferent section like: free time, health, education, be parents, be woman, fertility, pregnancy, children betwen 0 -1,1-5, and 6-12 years. Also there are forum, advices and diferent thing that are very necesary for the people that don't know how be good parent's or improve their raising.

Every time I visit this site is because I think that it's very important that we know the information the common people have, and we do our job provide the correct information and answer every questions that could be rise
. Also, I think this magazine is very close to people, that's why they believe in "PadresOk"; and follow it, this is a very interesting, dinamic and easy to understand website.

Personally, I recommend because it has clear, necesary and good information that is very useful for everyone, especially persons that visit it and need a midwife like womans, mothers, couples, and family.

So, visit it!!!
You won't regrets ;)

Coldplay - Live Chile 16 de Febrero (Yellow)