jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010

My experiencie learning english..

Today the english is language most used on the world. Is very important because all instructions, new information and other from european countries in that the language is english, so necessarily we need learn it. Also we’ll be a health professionals and everyday be new research, information of medicines, diseases, treatments and all this information is in other language, or we can to trip to other places in that maybe the English is not the official language, but always exist a person who talk it, and is the only form for to communicated.

When I entered to university, we was the first generation with new curriculum and it had english course. English course have fourth “stages”: started, beginner, pre-intermediate and intermediate, but not all people must to do all the course. In the first semester, teacher make us a test. This consisted in a questions , grammar excersices, etc and also in a listening quiz. Unfortunately for me, times pass very fast and I didn’t test with “consciousness” because I was so nervous , I thinked “I don’t can all!!”.. and was true. When I was the results I was very surprised because I stayed in “started” and honesty I felt that I would be in a more advanced level. Still I think that thar test not measured the real english’s level. However, in my fourths english’s courses I didn’t learn new grammar, but I refreshed and improved it. Also I learn new vocabulary, this is very important because the vocabuly is relationated with my career, of this way is more easy form me understand english paper or information that I need form my studies. This is very beneficial to the development of students, but I think that the times is very little for all activities, works that we must to do, and very times we went to enflish class very tired and sleppy, overcoat when tha class start at 16.30 pm!! I loved Thursday because english class started at 14.30 and also loved the post session, because is very close to us, more “newfangled”.

For this reason is very important that we learn english and improved it. In the future english will be more crowded and is necessary that we have the ability for to speak it, read it, write it, that is to say: dominated it. One important aspect is that new medicine material is in english, so like health work and students, we need to learn and be informated. Is good, that we have enflish course because Is never over, for to improved our english language and of this way open more opportunities.

And.. for me is very important lear english because my dream is travel to England

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