miércoles, 21 de abril de 2010


Hi! I'm Paulina Álvarez, I have 19 years & live in Santiago, Chile. Im studyng obtetrics at Universidad de Chile, and I chose this career because I feel the needing of help people, especially babies and their mothers. I think babies are too important... why? because they are the future of the world!!!.. and also they need their mothers to grow up =)
Well.. now in my new blog I will show different things like pictures, themes, views and many interesting things, so.... Welcome to my blog!! ;)

Pauly Añadir imagen

2 comentarios:

  1. Dear Paulie! nice blog!
    The colors are interesting! XD
    see you tomorrow! in english class!
    kisses!!! xD

  2. Hi honey, what a nice blog you've got!
    your picture seems very colorfull... I can see how beautifull is the nature with you in there! =)
    A huge kiss to you!
