jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010

Social & Health Problem: Drug addicts' children

Hi everyone, today I’m going to talk about interesting article from “The Guardian” magazine, called: Drug addicts' children need protecting.
This article is written by a judge, who usually work with drug-addicted mothers. These mothers commonly have many children, for example seven or eigth, even fourteen. This is not good situation, because the baby taken away. In a report of one mother says that when she goes out, she gets pregnant again for to combat the pain of having her son far away.
The Judge thinks that offering money for them is the best way forward, he thinks that we need to work with this drug-addicted parents, work with the family drugs and alcohol curt. All this for to stabilise parents and keep families together. But if they don’t want to participe in that, and they prefer to accept money for to sterilisation or contraception, and he prefer to sterilisation.
There is a controversial point: babies born to drug-addicted mother are often premature and need special and intensive care, they fight for life. Their first moment of them life consist in being weaned off the drugs that mothers took in the pregnancy. This is not a good way for to start a life, and judges must to do what they can to help parents off drugs and alcohol, but the jugdes also must to protect the right of these children.
The family drug and alcohol court has been shown great succes in helping more parents to come off drugs and alcohol, and keep their families together. But when is very hard, the court speeds up the care process and finds permanent, stable homes for the babies.
The judge think that they must help who can and will be helped, but not everyone is capable, perhaps the societa need to consider something different.
I think that is very important because the children-mothers care is work of our career. The midwifes recive everytime cases of drug-addicted mothers, so we need to help and improve this situation, because
this situation affects the process of pregnancy on the fetus, it can have consequences for him. Therefore we are responsible to advise that mothers with drug problems to improve the health of the mother and the fetus and newborn future.

This is the link:

martes, 5 de octubre de 2010

Today is very common that people are stress. This is consecuence of very factors like: the speed of life, work, studies and other dificult situation. Nowasays We have less time for to share with our families, friends, for to laught and do thing that make us feel better.

The stress is a fisiologycal reaction of our organism is face with a defiant problem. But when this situation ocurr many times, or response is very strong the stress turn harmful. This strong response can affect our life, relations, so is very important that we can prevent it.

The Symptoms of stress are emocional: anxiety, fear, confusion; thoughts: dificult fot to concentrate and take decisions, concern for future; conduct: crying, impulsive reaction, increase of tobacco and alcohol consume, change of appetite, physical changes: contract muscle, cold or swaty hands, disturbance of sleep, stomach problemas, agitated breath, trembling, dry mouth. Also the orgasm have less capacity for to protect our body, because the immune system are down. So, is more probably that we suffer infections.

Obviusly we can’t eliminate stress easily, but we can prevent or attenuate the symptoms, for example we must not drink alcohol, caffeine (coca cola, coffee), eat balance food, not consume tobacco or others drugs, do exercise and take rest at work (not all day obvius hahaha).

Personally, I think that this illness is a consecuense of the modern style life, because in our free time we don’t make thing that help us (exercise) and isn’t because we “don’t have time” (sometimes is true), is because we don’t organize our time.

Well.. if you don’t want be stressed please breath and think in your best memory !!