jueves, 19 de agosto de 2010

Sweet Love History: The Notebook ♥

Hi everyone! This is first blog with my new group and I'm going to talk about e...The Notebook

This is a book of Nicholas Sparks, it relates the story of two youngs who falled in love. But not all is easy, they are from different social classes: Allie is from high social class and her family don't accept the relationship because Noah is from law social. After a lot time and different events, they manage stay together and marry, they are so happy. But.. when they get older, Allie has Alzheimer and forgets all about her life and memories, so Noah writes a book where he relate their love story and he reads to Allie this book. Sometimes Allie remember and recognizes to Noah, but is only for a little moment, soon she forget all again. Yet, Noah never left Allie alone, until the end. For the persons who don’t enjoy reading, they can to wath the movie “The Notebook” based in the book, is so cute, I love it!!! And I must confess something.. I still have not finished reading it! I know the end because I saw the movie.. but when I have time (maybe in holidays) I’ll read the end of the book.

In my opinion, this book shows the real love, the values of love, like patience, compromise, perseverance and others. And personally, I really wish have a similar story, and sometimes think (because my grandmother has Alzheimer) that I can have Alzheimer when I'm old, How I could remember all mi life? and is a great idea read or listen my story of life. So, I recommended you to read this book, because is so amusing, sweet and it make you think in how much are you willing to do for love? How long would you wait for your love? etc.

Well.. I awaiting you enjoy my blog and the story of the book..
Red it or watch it! you not regret ;)
See you!